Reset Password

Set your vizient password

Password strength requirements

To comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and help ensure confidentiality of member information, your password should be at least 10 characters in length and contain at least 1 character from each of the following 4 categories:

  • Uppercase letters (A - Z)
  • Lowercase letters (a - z)
  • Numerals from 0 to 9
  • Special Characters (! @ # $ % ^ & *)

Please enter a login name
Please enter a valid login name

Please enter the new password
The password does not meet the complexity requirements
Your passwords did not match.

Please confirm the password
The password does not meet the complexity requirements
Your passwords did not match

Tips to keep in mind when setting your password:

  • Your new password cannot contain any part of your email address or related terms (i.e., do not use, password, welcome)
  • Do not construct a password that is the same or nearly identical to previous ones.
  • A password consisting of several words separated by spaces can actually be more secure and easier to remember than a more complicated, obscure one. Examples of strong passwords are: